J Series Modular Coolant Pumps

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J series pumps offer open impeller, vortex impeller and axial impeller options within the same model series. In this series; electric motor, coupling, pump body and shaft are common, impeller and volute are changing. So J pumps are called as Modular Pumps.

The main applications are;

•  Filtration systems,

•  Treatment systems,

•  Machine tool applications requiring high flow rates,

•  Circulation systems.


Impeller and volute designs was optimized after R&D activities so announced targets at the beginning of the Project has increased and reached to %72 pump efficiency on JB pump. The main application area of these pumps are filtration and treatment systems so the pumps are designed for pumping of the metal chips within the liquids. Allowed chips dimensions are;
JB Pump (Open impeller) : Max. 10 mm
JBA Pump (Open + axial impeller) : Max. 10 mm
JC Pump (Open impeller) : Max. 15 mm
JCA Pump (Open + axial impeller) : Max. 15 mm
JD Pump (Vortex impeller) : Max. 50 mm
JE Pump (Non-clogging impeller) : Max. 30 mm
JF Pump (Open impeller) : Max. 15 mm