Menetes csatlakozás: 2 hüvelykes bemeneti impulzusos sprinkler
Üzemi nyomás: 2-5 bar
A használható fúvóka átmérő tartománya: 12 mm-22 mm
Vízfogyasztási tartomány: 11 m3 / h - 51 m3 / h
Lövési távolság: 24 méter - 45 méter
Test dőlésszöge: 22° - 28°
An impact sprinkler that rotates in a full circle. It has double-hole outlet and rotating nozzle is replaceable. It is used for full turn only. It operates at medium and high pressure (2 – 6 bar). With adjustable water breaker, it allows uniform irrigation. And thanks to body angle of 28 degrees, it is less affected by wind compared to its equivalents of 30 and 33 degrees. Main body is aluminium with rotating mechanism of lower body made of aluminium and brass. Latent type sealing system, it serves with sandy water without any problem.
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